Bygones to Summer and now the Autumn Campaign is upon us. Instead of the likes of Maruka Shenk and Field Bear, we can now look forward to more marquee names like Dream Journey and Rose Kingdom highlighting our racing programs.
A couple of good races kick starting the season this Sunday. Unlike last week where I was shooting for a result these races here don't seem to have that horse to reap any big ticket.
Kobe Shinbun Hai
Hanshin 10th Race
Except for last year where Piko won, this is a race always won by the DERBY entries. There are four in the race headlined of course by the winner Eishin Flash. What has been most impressive about this horse is his ability to fire on any pace. A downfall for most stretch runners, Flash seems to do better the slower the race develops, which bodes well for him in this race too.
Rose Kingdom..Gonna take a risk here but this race looks like window dressing for a possible Tenno-Sho run in October. It took trainer Hashiguchi two races to get him in form for 2000 meters the last break of 3 months. This being 2400 and with Yutaka on board just doesn't seem right to me.
The Wager # 5 with 6,8,10 ¥2000 Each-Way Exacta
(6) San Diego.....Most of his success came in the Fall
(8) Silk Olde.....Could be capable or not
(10) Reve....needed a pace before, lets see what time off has done.**************************
All Comers
Nakayama 11th Race
Dream Journey had 59kilo last year and handled it just fine coming in 2nd. One has to always worry for a potential down spiral considering his breakout year in 09, but there would have to have some major digress issues not to be on the board in this one.
The Wager: #3 with 6,8,10 ¥2000 Each -Way Exacta
(6) Silport..interesting front runner abet at 2200...if the pace is a crawl the distance wouldn't matter much anyways.
Guys, Glad summer is over...has my first quarterly loss on this blog since the inception. One of the reasons except picking slow horses was posting for pretty much main races only. Before ,I would post a race that was in the early morning ,etc..but I understand for the most part people are just interested in the main races. As the viewership rises( as it will in the autumn ) i will throw out some earlier races just to get this blogs profit margin back up a little, especially if I cant start hitting these main races.
Is anyone on the same page with me about Rose Kingom?
Just realized all my contenders in both races come from the same gates..6,8,10..not by design of course but kinda coincidental in the keiba world
My wife just gave birth so I really haven't had time to study either of these races but I like Dream Journey and Jamil for the All Comers.
Not sure about the Kobe Shinbun Hai. Big gamble to cut Rose Kingdom (especially since Eishin Flash also seems to need a few races to get into form) but it's certainly one way to play it. I don't think I'll be getting any tickets tomorrow but if I were I might play Reve D'orient to finish 2nd with Eishin and Rose coming first. Two very viable 20-1 shots. And of course throw in the triple for insurance. (And shouldn't you be trying to get your money back on Reve? I can't see him being a factor in the Kikkasho but he's got a chance here.)
Sean, Congrats on the new arrival. I couldnt have been more wrong about Rose again. He still stings me from the Derby. All the top contenders looked good..dream is not really a Fuchu horse and Shigen might not be as dependable as todays race..buenna if healthy? Victoria Pisa? if comes from europe in ok shape..tenno-sho looks open to many possibilities
Thanks. It looks like Rose will try for 3000m rather than go to the Tenno-sho. I think Buena will be the big favorite.
Congrats on the little one Sean! Boy or a girl?
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