- Well, another year has past with its natural ebbs and floes, excitements, disappointments, and the inevitable days of the obligatory mundane. I would like to thank the 8956 hits on my blog. My counter registers clicks, and not I.P addresses thus its not as
impressive at first glance but nevertheless I’m quite satisfied. A “shout out “ to Sean & Robert who are my main stay followers and quite fine handicappers themselves.
Not quite the profitable year as previous ones (considerably less) on the blog. The total profit was ¥76, 000.
However the total profit from the blog since its inception is standing at ¥673.000
The win & lose standings: Races Bet: 131 Races Won 38..Races Lost 93
CHANGES: From 2011 I’ll make it more assessable to see the current “win/loss and recent race results. I’ll add more links to some of my favorite racing sites. I’ll add a “ chat corner”. I will also try to do more posting during the week other than my weekend selections. That 8956 hit total no doubt will exceed if there are reasons to check-in more often, I’ll try to convince people who personally email me to go over to the blog, but that there is the rub. People cant leaves messages on blogspot.com without first signing up. Though it takes just a few minutes it certainly can be a hinder to some. I would like more Japanese to add to the discussions but certain things like this makes it more difficult. Also Blogspot is limited to what I would really love to do and the reality of what I CAN do on this free site. After some testing if remaining dissatisfaction continues then there will be a probable site move to a different host. A very exciting new addition starting on January 8th will be my “ Charity Race Selection”. I will wager on one particular race every Sat & Sun with ALL the profit or return going to Charity. This will continual through out the racing season until Dec 25th 0f 011. Even though this will be continuous on my part I will Sponsor a Charity Race Day at least four times this calendar year asking punter/gamblers alike to pledge money to wager on a selected race. The actor Edward Norton has already approved this effort and he has sent a personal message of successes to this unique endeavor. Read more about Mr. Norton’s site at www.crowdrise.com . Another of my favorites that really make a difference is www.sharktrust.org .…..and last but not least www.davidlynchfoundation.org .
( if the charity links don't work>>> copy and paste into google or yahoo)
I had 79 customers throughout the 010 Racing season, ending with 42 going into the New Year. There will be some changes. The price will be reduced to ¥5000 for two months. I had a lot of pit stop customers who paid for a monthly subscription. Subsequently if I had a losing month during this time , they didn’t renew. The lesser charge and added time allows me to “ turn things around” and keep more customers which is a priority for this site next year. I also would like to sponsor more events. This year we had one event with a turnout of 16 guest. It was fun and a lot of “ racing talk” which is the best kind!
Personally, I had a profitable year. However this was the first time I didn’t crack the ¥1, 000,000 day mark in three years. Although I came close with a daily tote of ¥800, 000 twice! My strategy as it has always been is to wager heavy early in the dirt races, which I specialize in, and double down in the afternoon races hoping for a big score. Unfortunately I didn’t do as well in the afternoon races as previous years so my profit dwindled.. I like “ action” thus I wont change my strategy as absurd as it sounds!
I will start two on-line ventures in 011. www.atsugivistor.com . This site already has a built in profit margin as all the advertisers are line up.
Launch Date. March 01
www.japaronia.com a marketplace dedicated to the talent and entrapunear spirt of the Japanese people. No Hello Kitty Here!!!
Also I’ll be meeting with some high profile gamblers in August to pitch what I call “ www.aftershockhandicapping.com ”. I truly believe this will revolutionize the way people will wager on sports. I’ll also will compete in the Hilton Super Contest , barring a lock-out by the NFL>
I will not drink any alcohol-induced drinks from January 1st to June 10th! Why June 10th.? It will be my 45th birth day and what a better present than to be healthy and have a functional liver. I will get certified by a TM teacher at http://www.tm.org/ I will continue with my yoga training and visualization session accompanied with the material of www.abraham-hicks.com
Hey Keith,
Congratulations on another profitable year. I hope to cash in on your wisdom more often in 2011.
You have some ambitious plans for this year. It'll definitely be fun to follow this blog. Great idea with the 'Charity Race Selection" too. I'm pretty sure a few 100-1 wins would get me feeling pretty charitable. Speaking of which, I'm taking the liberty of making this blog's first forecast (hope you don't mind).
Kyoto 11 Race (The Kinpai, and it's a premium to boot!)
Gonna try a 1,3, 9 box, 2000 yen each way exacta. (I think I'm gonna adopt your usual betting style this year.)
And 1 & 3 with 2, 4 and 9 in some hopeful trifectas, 1000 yen apiece.
If I win, I'll send a non-alcoholic beer your way, Keith. Good luck with your health program!
Thanks Shean !the problem is with this blog spot..its free so Im not complaining but there are just some things you can do. It will take a little time. I didn't want to start until the 8th before I start posting. Personally I'll betting Nakayama Kinpai with No.1 Absolute with EVERY HORSE ( 30 tickets) a nice 25-1 to start the year would be great. Good luck in Kyoto and all of 2011!!
Happy New Year Keith and Sean! I'm also a big fan of your "charity race" idea. I think I will also bet your selection and if they are profitable, I will donate the profits to the cancer society at the end of the month.
Good luck on going sober until June 10. You are a much stronger man than me!! :)
I would love to join the Hilton Super Contest next year. Can anyone join? I had a great year betting the NFL this season. I was actually in the 99.9 percentile for the ESPN pick em contest (against the spread) until the last week of the season when I forgot to submit my picks. I kinda lost interest after I had already won the pool I was in in week 15. :) I did much better picking on my own (through sportsbooks) since I was forced to pick every game with the pick em contest... Let me know how I can join. It'd be fun going head to head with you! :)
PS I will be in Vegas in February and August this year if anyone wants to join me.
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