9th Race #12 with 1,4,6,8,16
10 Race #15 with 6,8,9,11,16
12 Race #4 with 3,5,9,12,15
* All ¥1000 Quinellas
Not Rocket Science here but the last time Hiroko Goto rode on his birthday he brought home 5 winners.! All Goto's horses listed above.
I'm making some plays keying 12 in the 12th race at kokura today. Nice odds and I think he has a legitimate shot. :)
I sprinkled a little love on Okensakura to show too.
I won't be betting on tomorrow's G2 in Hanshin (WINS in Kanto won't reopen until at least next month!) but I think French Cactus has a really good chance to factor. I recommend a 6, 8, 11, 12 box. Tough race though. I'm kinda glad I can't bet on it. LOL
But I'll definitely want to bet on next week's G1. Keith, yoroshiku!
Sean, nice call on French Cactus. Because of him and Daisho Jet, I had a very very good day. :)
Next weekend is going to be an action packed one at Hanshin. You boys should seriously consider coming down. If you get the "salaryman" package from JTB, you can get one night at a hotel for free with the purchase of a round trip Shinkansen ticket (Tokyo-Osaka) for ¥26,000. To sweeten the deal I'll treat you boys to dinner Saturday night. Something to think about anyway. :)
That was a nice hit on Daisho Jet. I figured that old-timer had one more good run in him and as always he pays handsomely...
Yeah, a terrific card next week. Thanks for the offer but I'll probably have to pass. My wife and son are leaving for Kyushu tomorrow while my dog and I will continue to brave the radiation here. I really don't wanna put my dog in a kennel - it's too cruel - so I'm gonna have to stay in Tokyo. (I will, however, have a lot more freedom than usual with the wife and kid away. It's too bad we can't bet from here or I'd invite you guys to come to Tokyo - I'll have lots of room.)
Oh and thanks Robert for offering to help us when things were looking pretty grim. ANd who knows? This isn't over yet. If the situation takes another turn for the worse next week, I might just let you buy me dinner next Saturday. Later.
Hey guys. I didnt bother with the races yesterday. I figured to wait until next week to start afresh.Robert, definitly that would be cool to meet up on a weekend. Sean, let me know if you want me to place the wagers for you this sunday.
Thanks, Keith. Definitely wanna throw some money at a race or two this weekend.
Looks like the Satsuki-sho will be held at Tokyo. That should be interesting.
Sean, I'll be at the track all day Saturday and Sunday so if you have any last minute bets you can email me at rjsheridan@softbank.ne.jp.
If you guys are up for it, I'm going to come up to Tokyo sometime in April or May so we can all go to the track together. :) Is there a day that's best for you guys?
Thanks, Robert.
April is better for me but May might be better for your health. Are you thinking about going to the track on a G1 day? If that's the case it would be good if we could get reserved seats. Not sure how easy that would be though...
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