11 RACE...#16 Whale Capture. Not in the league as some of the previous winners of this race, nevertheless Whale has that wallop of a stride that makes her dangerous on this courses stretch.
THE WAGER: #16( on top) with 4,8,13 ¥10,000 One-Way Exacta
4,8,13 ( on top) with #16 ¥5,000 One-Way Exacta
I like this wager, Keith. But I think I'll trim 13 and just go with 4, 8 and 16. Unimaginative perhaps (and 4 is risky) but too many possibilities otherwise.
Hey sean, yeah i didnt want to spread out to much on this race. Im not a big fan of whale capture either so all in all it doesnt interest me to come up with anything more daring.
Hello Boys,
Allow myself to introduce... myself. Craig here. I'm Rob's pal in Osaka. I'm still a bit green with the jargon and research when it comes to the ponies, but Rob has pointed me in a few "helpful" directions. He mentioned this site and I have been a lil' gun-shy about posting a comment for a few weeks. Consider cherry popped.
You guys seem well into the scene. I hope I can learn a thing or two, get some nice returns on my cash and throw it into a nice retirement fund. The more info, the better. Right? And, Rob if you're reading this, skip the next paragraph.
(Actually, my real intentions is buying dinner after the race for the gang with my winnings. I'm tired of Rob always buying dinner. I wanna play Papa, Damnit! And stick it to Rob.)
OK, Rob. You can read from here. Today looks like it will be a shiner for sure. Hope you enjoy the day.
Craig, that post was brilliant! :)
Well, with the exception Trend Hunter it looks like my picks are identical to your picks Keith. I hope that's a good thing! GL today.
Hey craig, thanks for coming on board. You'll find a good "composite" of our opinions on most of the major races. When we differ we generally lose but when we're on the same page about a single horse we do well, last week's Hiruno and todays Capture Whale being good examples( * we lost last week but all had the same top pick,just couldnt nail the combination. Robert was on his own earlier in the year with meisho Belguia and he got it with an excellent return. Here's hoping you can pick up the tab soon!! Cheers
What started out with a bang, fizzled out for me. Hit a trio then made some lame choices. I got the 8-16, but it didn't cover my misses in the other races today. I think I'll stick to the G1s and G2s from here on out.
Craig, welcome aboard. Yeah, I prefer to focus on the big races although occasionally I'll target an earlier race if I see value there. Keith would probably disagree with me on this point though...I bought you a beer, btw. Make sure you collect it from Robert. Cheers.
sean, no not at all. I think we both know the value is in the earlier races which I personaly bet 80% of my wagers in. But the G1 gets the headlines and there is a common interest in these races but truthfully if all of us for examble would start touting the 4th race in Nakayama nobody would really care.
Looks like Smile Jack and Absolute are both running in the Miler's Cup. If you dutch them, the payout could be big if it hits. I'm entertaining a guest from Australia this weekend so I doubt I'll be playing anything this weekend though...
I'm leaning more towards dutching Gorski & Jack but I don't have a good vibe about this race. Too tough...
My sentiments exactly. In January when I was preparing for the season I thought Jack would have a break out season including a g1 victory. Gonna stay on my convictions I guess and bet #9...have to find a place for absolute too
Any thoughts on Silport? He's improved his time in each of his last 3 1600s with Komaki riding. Is this no big deal or is there something there?
I don't think the times mean too much. His finishing times have actually gotten slower in each of his last 3 mile races, but that's a good thing for this horse. He's at his best when he's hanging on for dear life. Field here is pretty strong though - there's a good chance that 2 or 3 horses are gonna be able to run him down. I like him as a third place candidate. But a good frontrunner can steal a lot of races so you never know.
I just reread my response - it looks like I gave you the ol' 'definite maybe.' LOL Ok, time to man up. Silport doesn't have a chance in hell - I'll stake my life on it!
I tend to shy away from front runners/pace setters when they start from one of the outside gates, but Silport does look intriguing.
I have no idea why considering he's been pretty terrible at Hanshin, but I have a feeling that King Street with Goto is going to hit the board with Smile Jack...
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