Since the last update on February 12
Total Wagers: 24
Total Wagers Won: 7
Total Wagers Lost: 17
Total Amount Wagered : ¥672,000
Total Amount Returned: ¥541,000
Net Profit: 0
Net Loss: -¥131,000
Total 2011 Results
Total Wagers: 34
Wagers Won 9
Wagers Lost 25
Net Profit ¥219,000
d Current Overall Profit + ¥851,000
The winning percentage looks very anemic for sure but its actually in line with my overall strategy of wagering. Some astute handicapper said ( I couldn't find the actual quote) that there is a 75% chance your bankroll will always be decreasing from the previous days amount. This certainly has always held true for me. I try to relax and flow with the tides of the stormy seas, which is horse racing handicapping, just trying to stay above water long enough until that life saver jacket of a big win is thrown down to me every 3 or 4 times a year. This year ,I can thank two horses from saving me from drowning. Smile Jack on February 12th and Hea
dliner on May 21st. Looking back on this years first half, I see only one race I regret betting ( the amount) and that was the Tenno. Ris
king 100,000 on one race seemed very ignorant for sure. This summer I will " box play" most of my wagers , except for this weekend where I will single out Target Machine* yes, again.:)....By the end of the summer, I will bet that the losing percent of these "boxes" will be higher than the winning, but there will be an overall net profit. Rather it be in mid-July or August, a couple mid-price fliers will come in together to give me that " life jacket" of a race to keep me afloat.