Friday, June 17, 2011

June 18th

Nakayama 11 Race

#7 Meiner Obelisk

The Wager: #7 with 1,6,8,9,10 ¥1000 Each-Way Exactas


robert said...

I'm actually eyeing number 7 in the 11R at Hakodate. Waiting to see the odds first though...

Sean said...

Nakayama 11th race - 1, 2, 7, 10 box.
Hakodate 11th race - 4, 6, 7 box.

But I doubt I'll get to WINS. Not that interested. All in next week though...

Keith Hagstrom said...

sean, with the 7 scratched you had all the right horses. Too bad the 10 was on top though at 2.8

robert said...

I never made it to WINS today and I'm happy I didn't because I would've lost. :) I was just looking at the G3 tomorrow. 10 looks interesting as a longshot and Iwata on Broadstreet and Goto on Provinage look intriguing too... Any thoughts?