Thursday, January 5, 2012


Nakayama 11 Race..#13 EXPEDITION

13-12-5, 13-16-5, 13-5-16, 3-12-16, 13-16-12, 13-5-12 6 tickets ¥1000 Each

13 & 5,12,16 Each Way Exactas 6 tickets ¥1000

Additional races I'll be betting

5th Nakayama #3 Snow scape 25-1
12th Nakayama #11 Deep Sound 4.2


Sean said...

Happy New Year, Keith. I'm all over Expedition. I think he's gonna do well here. I'm trying a bunch of trifecta formations with 5 & 13 on top. Good luck.

Sean said...

Not the start I was hoping for...LOL

Hope you nailed the 12th.

Keith Hagstrom said...

Hey Sean, I wasnt goingto make a post until Sunday and I wanted to make my recap post also, but like you I really like Expedition even though coming off a 4th place finish. So thought it would be a good way to get off the year right..nope lol...personaly I had a winning day getting the 11-13 Exacta for a 1000 yen,( 12th) couldnt nab the trifecta unfortuently though. A little over 40,000 up for the day. I think Im going to become more of a trifecta player however this year. I nicled and dimed it too much with Quinellas and Wides last year. The winning days will most likely be fewer and farther in between but I'm hoping for some monsterous payouts. It should be about winning but more importantly winning alot!! Hope you had a good New Years..later