Tallying up the win/loss , profit/loss for the Spring. After three months we are showing a profit thanks in part to the good return in the February Stakes. Trainer Kazuya Nakatake 's good run early in January ,Katsuhiru Tanaka's Birthday card on Feb 25th, and Carnavolet's return on the straight Trifecta( March 10th ) round out the bigger wins thus far this campaign. Missed out on Trip in the Yayoi sho as a major wager, but the key horse did manage a 2nd place finish, but unfortunately to no profitable avail.
February Stakes W ¥2000 Trio * odds 155.3 Exacta W ¥1000 16-3 *odds 262.1
March 10th Hanshin 6th Race W Trifecta ¥1000 *odds 214.7
W 16 L 34 {Avg Race Wager ¥25,500}
Amount Wagered: ¥1,375,000
Amount Returned ¥1,560,000
Net Return ¥+ 175,000
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