With everything being somewhat equal among the 18 horses entered in this years Kinen, the X Factor comes down to the Sire Fuji Kiseki. Betting this race one must remember the Aichi Open held on this very track in 2003 when Kiseki's first foal Tenshino Kiseki ran an incredible 1.06.9, just 0.4 seconds off the track record set by Agnus World. Ultima Thule & Kinsha no Kiseki have the blood that frankly the other horses do not. Slumping Fine Grain, should be considered also.
Chukyo 11 Race( 3-6, 6-3, 3-9,3-13,3-15
6-9,6-13,6-15 ¥2000 Exactas) (Quinellas ¥1000) ( 16 tickets) Total ¥24,000
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