The 77th running of the Japanese Derby will have a certain Deja Vu feeling about it, but with a twist..Hiruno d' Amour, always the best man, never the groom, the proverbial second fiddler should one- up Victoria Pisa and Pelusa this time around and give Kon and Fujita their second career Derby victories.
Coming in 2nd in the Satsuki-Sho was a testimate to his legitimacy, as he used his long stride to snatch the fastest stretch time of the race at 35.0. Furthermore his clocking of 33.1 in Kyoto on January 23rd remains the fastest time of any 3yr old on turf this year!
A certain amount of racing luck is required to roll off 5 consecutive wins as Pisa has, but the percentages are bound to catch up to him eventually. Sumi is the master of conditioning , however Iwata might not find things to be so effortless on this very good horse the second time around.
To duplicate the same performance in the Derby as the Aoba-Sho would be a tall order for Pelusa. But the talent here is obvious , and even if he drops a bit there's a good chance he'll be on the board.
My Wager: (Exacta) 12-7 ¥10,000, 7-12¥5000, 12-9¥5000, 9-12¥5000
( Wide Ticket) 7-12 ¥10,000 , 9-12¥10,000
( Random Exacta Key 7 & 12 with 2,3,8,9,14,17 ¥2000 ( total¥12,000)
Random Exacta Key 9 & 12 with 2,3,8,14,17 ¥2000 (total ¥10,000)
Sean, have you decided ur plan of action for the Derby?
I'll be betting heavily on Hiruno d'Amour too (or 'Nooner' as I like to call him). I think he has a chance to pick off Pelusa near the finish. My main picks will likely be 7-12, 7-9-12, 7-12-9(key trifecta). It seems like those 3 horses should decide it although that would almost be too easy so I'll also buy some insurance trios with 1, 3, 6 and 8. I may take a chance on Rulership if it doesn't rain too much. Also good value in buying gates since you pick up Rose Kingdom for practically nothing. Good luck.
I definitely feel like i should be using kingdom a little more for sure. Maybe ill use him in a few more trifectas tomorrow..good luck to u too!!
results 1-8-7-13-3
馬番 - 馬名 - 騎手- 調教師- 単勝人気
1 エイシンフラッシュ 内田博幸 - 藤原英昭 - 7
8 ローズキングダム 後藤浩輝 - 橋口弘次郎 - 5
7 ヴィクトワールピサ 岩田康誠 - 角居勝彦 - 1
13 ゲシュタルト 池添謙一 - 長浜博之 - 12
3 ルーラーシップ 四位洋文 - 角居勝彦 - 4
9 ペルーサ 横山典弘 - 藤沢和雄 - 2
17 トゥザグローリー 戸崎圭太 - 池江泰郎 - 10
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